Academy for Parenting Education and Coaching
Welcome to APEC
Redirecting Children's Behavior
Coaching for Parents
Parenting expert Kathryn Kvols, will coach you by phone and help you create an action plan to bring the order and calm you desire. No matter how chaotic things feel right now, you will see improvement after the very first call. Whether you schedule one coaching call or multiple sessions, Kathryn will equip you to fix the most frustrating parenting struggles.
Some parents find the solutions they need in only one session. Others want more support to reinforce the changes they are making. Either way, Kathryn is available to walk you through practical and easy to use solutions that you can start implementing the moment you get off the phone.
Parenting is the most important job you will ever have. You deserve to have the help and support you need for your parenting journey. Help is only one phone call away.
Do you need help, and fast?

Reflect with me...
Are your morning routines challenging?
Are you tired of listening to your children fight?
Do your children refuse to do their chores or homework?
Are you exhausted from bedtime battles?
Do your children refuse listen, are sassy or talk back?
Does everything seem like a battle?
Do you and your spouse disagree and/or fight about discipline issues?
Are you driven crazy by tantrums, whining or dawdling?
Does it feel like an alien has taken your darling child and made them a foreign and unfamiliar teen?
Do you find yourself continually grounding or taking away your teen’s privileges?​​

What's included in the coaching?
We don't want to waste your time on the call gathering your valuable information around the issue you wish to address.
For that reason, we will ask to you fill out a form prior to your first session. Your time with us will be focused on specific strategies which will begin to give you some immediate relief from your parenting challenge.

Your session may include a co-parent or caretaker for no extra charge.

Online Parent Coaching sessions are $100 per hour
Meetings are 60 mins in length (unless you request more)
We can meet “face-to-face” online by using Zoom or by phone call
Meetings are scheduled every week, or as often as you prefer
Free Weekly Parenting Practices included

Money back Guarantee and payment plans available.
Don't let the fear of finances limit your family dynamics


Let's get started, register here!
Are you concerned that parent coaching might not work for you or you would like to get to know Kathryn before you sign up for a coaching package?
Then put yourself on our calendar here to set up a free 30 minute consultation today and get the support you need and deserve. Parenting can be one of your most challenging jobs. You don’t have to do it alone.
1. Pick your perfect parenting Package.
2. Go to my calendar and choose a convenient appointment time and fill out the short “Family Information Sheet” to expedite our time together.
3.Look in your email for a meeting time confirmation and I will call you for your first appointment! In the mean time, I will send you your free work book that comes with the class.
*Please note that I am not a licensed mental health provider, and my coaching is not a substitute for assistance from a trained mental health professional or doctor.*