Final Thoughts about setting Limits
Not having clear limits can really hold you back from feeling good about being a parent & enjoying your child.
Learning how to here.

Setting Limits, Part 4 - Pause BEFORE you Parent
Pausing, setting limits, parenting

Setting Limits, Part I
How to set limits

Stress Buster Strategies - #3 Dadddddy! There is a Monster in My Closet!
“Daddddddy!,” screams Alicia frantically, who should be sleeping. “What’s wrong, honey?” asks Dad as he rushes to ease his daughter’s...

When In A Power Struggle, Ask This Question
My son Tyler was 3. I had put him in the shopping cart hoping to contain him because I needed to rush in and rush out of the grocery store.

9 Ways to Teach Your Child Self-Discipline
Self-discipline is the art of doing something that you don't want to do but know that you need to do for a long-term benefit. It also...

4 Parenting Mistakes a Mom Inadvertently Made with Her Daughter
I was at a friend's house listening to her 9-year-old daughter play the piano. Her mother piped in and announced that she was going to...

6 Tips to Get Your Child/Teen/Spouse to Listen
Have you found yourself thinking or saying, "Are you listening to me?" I know I did. Did you know that listening is not an innate skill?...