Final Thoughts about setting Limits
Not having clear limits can really hold you back from feeling good about being a parent & enjoying your child.
Learning how to here.
Stress Buster Strategies - #2 Tone of Voice!
Stress Buster Strategies - # 2 What Results Does Your Tone of Voice Get? "I can't get my kid to do her chores," complained a coaching...
3 S's Of Successful Parenting
3 S's Of Successful Parenting
Self-Reflection - Most therapists and coaches tell us it is impossible to change someone else.(Lord knows
When In A Power Struggle, Ask This Question
My son Tyler was 3. I had put him in the shopping cart hoping to contain him because I needed to rush in and rush out of the grocery store.Â
A Character Building Riddle
P a r e n t i n g P r a c t i c e A Character Building Riddle to Ask Your Family at Dinner Tonight Ask your family to answer this...
How Not to Raise an Entitled Kid
Ten-year-old Amy's job is to clean the bathroom. She gets frustrated after giving little effort and says, "Why should I have to clean the...
Why Are Dads So Important for Tween/Teen Daughters
Our daughter, Brianna, was laying on the couch with her ear buds on doing the typical teenage "thing." Brian, my husband started...
8 Steps to Deescalating Your Tween/Teen's Emotional Surges
Does your tween or teen have emotional out bursts? It rare to hear of one who doesn't so you are not alone! Have you ever felt completely...
Is Your Child a Good Friend?
Kids need friends. In fact, this is so important that parents should make it a priority to make sure their child is a good friend. Pay...
10 Creative Ways to Say "No" to Your Child
"Mom, can I go to the mall with Andrea?" asks Sara. "No, honey you can't," answers Mom. "Pleeeeeeease," begs Sara. "No! And that's...