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A Brave Parent is…

...willing to self-reflect.

I am sure that you have noticed that when you are off kilter, your children pick up on it and tend to lose it themselves.

Parenting is a process with many different elements involved, like your parenting style, your child’s temperament, your child's social circle, and the school they go to.

Self-reflection is a huge key to being the parent you want to be.

Try this exercise, it will only take a few minutes

  • Get into a quiet place alone. Or do this before you go to sleep at night.

  • Take some deep breaths to help you settle into your chair or bed.

  • Close your eyes.

  • Put your most challenging child in front of your mind’s eye.

  • Ask yourself, “What is this child trying to teach me?”

Here is my story

My daughter and I had a rough time during her toddler years. What I learned from her was to be more present. I was often trying to do too many things at one time or my mind was preoccupied with my priority lists. When I wasn’t present with her, she would throw more temper tantrums and they would last for what I felt was an eternity.

When I learned how to be more present, like staying focused on just her when it was our play time or when she needed me, our relationship became calmer and more cooperative.

Your child may be teaching you how to be less controlling, more firm, more assertive, patience etc. Whatever it is, be open to it.

There is a catch though. It only helps to be self-reflective when you are being self-acceptant. Having a difficult time does not make you a bad parent. You and your family are in a process of how to live together peacefully. This takes time and a lot of patience.


COMING SOON!! Many of you have been inquiring about when the new edition of the "Redirecting Children's Behavior" book is coming out. The good news is it scheduled to be available on July 22. However, you can pre-order the book at Amazon by clicking on the book. There is a ton of new material to help you discipline in a way that connects you and your child during an altercation rather than you and/or your child walking away feeling empty, frustrated or angry.


Parenting can be quite challenging. But, you don't have to do it alone. Sign up to schedule FREE 30 minute Strategy Session with Kathryn!

You have nothing to lose but the chaos in your home!


Redirecting Children's Behavior Instructor Training If you love helping parents with their parenting skills and you want an extra stream of income, you may not want to miss out on this training. Getting certified in this researched-based course may be one of the most fulfilling things you do. Click here for details.


If this message today spoke to you today, share with me or your friends how it affected you and follow us on our social media!

Kathryn Kvols

Author, Lecturer, Parenting Coach

(352) 494-1581

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