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Setting Limits, Part III

Part III

Congratulations! You have made it to the third part of a series in setting healthy and effective boundaries. These steps work well for any relationship however we will be

concentrating on the toddler years. To read Part One and Two, click here.

Remember, your child is looking for and wants limits (although It may not

feel like it). They feel secure when there is a strong, respectful leadership.

The more clear and concise you are about your limits, the less your child

will test you.

What areas of behavior do you want to set limits around?

  • screen time

  • bedtime

  • disrespectful behavior

  • picking up toys

  • chores

  • treatment of others - siblings, grandparents, friends and pets

  • hygiene

  • length of time sitting at the family table

  • foods they eat

  • your “me” time

  • your partner time

  • other

We are not telling you what are the right boundaries because everyone’s

tolerance level is different. In order to embody setting healthy and effective limits, you will need to

practice…not just read or hear about the concept.

In this 4 part series, we will give an assignment that is short and easy to practice support you in

your process. Tell us about your experience! What has been difficult? What positive results have you seen so far?

Your third assignment is to determine what your boundaries are around the

above issues. Write a clear, concise statement regarding the ones

important to you at the moment. Research says that you have only seven seconds to get your point across to your toddler before you start loosing their attention. Get in the habit of making short statement rather than lengthy explanations.

For example, a toy needs to be put away before you take another one out.

Or trucks belong in the truck box when you are done playing with it.

For a deeper dive into setting limits, check out our course here.

Think of anyone in your life who may need to hear this message? Forward this link or follow us on Facebook to share from there!


Now Available!! The new edition of the "Redirecting Children's Behavior" book is now available! You can order the book at Amazon by clicking on the book picture below. There is a ton of new material to help you discipline in a way that connects you and your child during an altercation rather than you and your child walking away feeling empty, frustrated or angry.


Redirecting Children's Behavior Instructor Training If you love helping parents with their parenting skills and you want an extra stream of income, you may not want to miss out on this training. Getting certified in this researched-based course may be one of the most fulfilling things you do. Click here for details.

Next course will start on August 9th for 8 consecutive Tuesday mornings from 11:00 a.m.-12:30- p.m EST, for eight consecutive weeks.


If this message today spoke to you today, share with me or your friends how it affected you and follow us on our social media!

Kathryn Kvols

Author, Lecturer, Parenting Coach

(352) 494-1581

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