Take Time to Hear Your Child’s/Teens View Point

Take Time to Hear Your Child’s/Teens Viewpoint
I found when I was hurried, that I didn’t want to hear my child’s/teen’s point of view. I just wanted it done MY because it was the BEST way! (Or so I thought.)
However, when I slowed down and actually listened to my child they often had a fresh, new perspective on things. Or there was a twist or spin on something that was enlightening. The outcome of the situation was usually better because I took my time to listen and they felt heard and esteemed. And probably the best reason is that it helped me really get to KNOW my child. I heard something about my child that created a deeper depth to our relationship.
This story came from an old Middle Eastern legend in which two princes were at war for many years.
“One prince looked at the image on the table and said it was a "6", while the other prince said it was a "9". For years the battle raged, and then one day when the princes were seated at the table and a young boy turned the tablecloth around. For the first time, they could see the other’s point of view. The war came to an end, and the princes became firm friends.”
Practice: Next time you have an altercation with your child/teen, draw the number ( 6 or 9) and ask what they see. Take the counter point for a few seconds and ask who is right. Share this story and have a conversation on how it may apply to your situation. Then have a discussion about what happens in a relationship when you don’t take time to see the other person’s perspective.
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Now Available!! The new edition of the "Redirecting Children's Behavior" book is now available! You can order the book at Amazon by clicking on the book picture below. There is a ton of new material to help you discipline in a way that connects you and your child during an altercation rather than you and your child walking away feeling empty, frustrated or angry.
Redirecting Children's Behavior Instructor Training If you love helping parents with their parenting skills and you want an extra stream of income, you may not want to miss out on this training. Getting certified in this researched-based course may be one of the most fulfilling things you do. Click here for details.
Next course will start on August 9th for 8 consecutive Tuesday mornings from 11:00 a.m.-12:30- p.m EST, for eight consecutive weeks. The course is unfortunately full, but if you email me I would love to discuss a future course start date with you! kkvols@mac.com
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Kathryn Kvols
Author, Lecturer, Parenting Coach
(352) 494-1581
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